Spotlight on MAXI Awards 2023 
by Christa Chappel Biffle, Account Manager, Co-op, Lautman Maska Neill & Company
What happens when the direct mail stars align, when a successful tried-and-true format, a matching gift, and client collaboration come together? Gold!
Summertime is always a difficult fundraising time of the year, but the Summer Meals Campaign has been a strong performer in the mail. As many of us know, we have been challenged with the post-pandemic giving fatigue, but, at the same time, we are still seeing more and more demand for services. The need to raise as many dollars as possible to support these efforts is more urgent than ever.
As an agency, collaboration is key. So, when Meals on Wheels Orange County came to us with the need to electrify their fundraising efforts this summer, we were ready to jump into action – going through formats with our creative and production teams… deciding what was cost effective but also what could get in the mail quicky… predicting what would appeal to the audience... and capturing the heart strings of the donors with the urgent request for help.
And to top it off, we had a matching gift – well, that just adds to the energy of the campaign. It amplified the ask; it let the donor know just how far their gift will go! We could then play with teasers, letter copy, and reply forms – oh my!
We added in a client story and testimonial to wrap this strong summer campaign up in a bow. And just like that… the Meals on Wheels Summer Match Campaign blew expectations away and raised more than we ever hoped to help the community continue to deliver meals and advance vital programs!
Now, was this the making of a campaign worthy of a DMAW Maxi award? When you have a proven package format to send to the community, a matching gift to motivate giving, and an extraordinary client to provide you with all the information you need, you strike GOLD!!
Written for DMAW by Christa Chappel Biffle, Account Manager, Co-op, Lautman Maska Neill & Company
Christa brings a wealth of integrated direct response fundraising knowledge to Lautman from working with national and regional nonprofits in the areas of human services, environmental and international outreach. She truly stands behind the multi-channel, integrated marketing approach. Her experience ranges from production management, list brokerage, digital implementation, strategic and analytical collaboration and, most importantly, client service.
As an Account Manager, she brings her passion and enthusiasm to our Meals on Wheels Co-op team where she helps drive Lautman’s donor-centric fundraising strategies, and provides the customer-centric support that our clients need to achieve fundraising success.