Here are 10 dynamite reasons to become a DMAW volunteer…
Ready to get involved! Complete this quick survey: Volunteering with DMAW!
Have expertise you want share? Consider speaking at a DMAW event! Complete this form: DMAW Speaker Portal
You can also scan the QR code to fill out the survey, and our volunteer committee co-chairs will be in touch.
Concerned that being a volunteer will take too much time? You can be as heavily or as lightly involved as you wish. You can become involved with activities that call for your particular strengths or with those where you’ll learn new skills. DMAW needs your talents — get involved! Just call (703) 689-DMAW (3629) or email us at
DMAW’s success is due, to a great degree, to the volunteers who work throughout the year donating their valuable talent and time. From 1985 through today, DMAW grants a “Volunteer of the Year” award. This award is presented at the end of year Best of Direct Gala.