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Check out our 2024 Mentorship Opportunities!

YDMAW's mentors are offering two, one-hour virtual sessions between the months of July and August where you'll have the opportunity to get to know each other, share stories, ask questions, or even ask for advice. We also encourage (but not require) mentorship groups to meet in person during Bridge in August, if possible!

Read below to learn more about our rockstar mentors.

Q & A with Katy Jordan

What is the name of your company and your title?
Principal and Founder, Katy Jordan Consulting

How long have you worked for your company?
I've been focused on Katy Jordan Consulting since February 2024, but have been in the nonprofit Marketing & Fundraising space for 20 years. I got my start in the cultural arts and worked for several agencies over the years.

What is your favorite thing about your job?
I love working with people and teams to help them gracefully navigate career and organizational change.

What are you most excited to speak to young professionals about?
Leveraging the skills and strengths they have, while creative a life/career that brings fulfillment.

Session Times
July 10:
2:00 - 3:00 pm
August 14: 2:00 - 3:00 pm

Q & A with Victoria Mannoia

What is the name of your company and your title?
Account Director, DickersonBakker

How long have you worked for your company?
Nearly two years but in the direct response fundraising space for a decade.

What is your favorite thing about your job?
The clients. We carefully select our client partners and give high priority to clients who are endlessly curious about tinkering to unleash excellence. I learn from them daily!

What are you most excited to speak to young professionals about?
Whatever is capturing their attention and keeping them up at night. I'm curious about the pain points they are experiencing as they navigate a shifting philanthropic environment!

Session Times
July 18:
12:00 - 1:00 pm
August 20: 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Q & A with Zakeia Rodgers

What is the name of your company and your title?
Interim Director of Development/Direct Marketing Manager, Animal Legal Defense Fund

How long have you worked for your company?
Six years at ALDF, eight years in the direct marketing fundraising industry.

What is your favorite thing about your job?
Managing both the digital and direct mail fundraising programs allows me to create truly integrated, multichannel strategies, and test elements that work in both channels to develop new creative ways to engage with supporters and increase giving.

What are you most excited to speak to young professionals about?
I’m most interested in integrated, multichannel strategies, but I also just want to offer any and all advice that I can to help young professionals on their journey through the marketing industry.

Session Times
July 10:
12:00 - 1:00 pm
August 7: 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Q & A with Tiffany Delgado

What is the name of your company and your title?
The Lukens Company, Senior Vice President, Political

How long have you worked for your company?
Fourteen years.

What is your favorite thing about your job?
Working with clients and finding innovative solutions to their problems in an ever-changing environment!

What are you most excited to speak to young professionals about?
Things I would have done differently if I were starting my career.

Session Times
July 23:
12:00 - 1:00 pm
August 15: 12:00 - 1:00 pm