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A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum!

In this mad, mad, mad world of Direct Marketing and mailing, I really didn’t know what to expect at the National Postal Forum in Charlotte which was held earlier this summer.

A newbie representing the Philadelphia Postal Customer Council Board, I approached attending the conference like a sponge, ready to absorb the whole experience. The record-breaking attendance from all areas of the country together again with a common commitment and goal – MAIL must go on was prevalent!

WOW, was I in for a treat, from connections made enroute to the exhibits, the buzz picked up in between the networking sessions, and keynote address from PMG DeJoy, the energy was electric. And it took off from there to keep going.

Bottom line, the USPS’ drive to be that strategic partner and deliver to the nation services to expedite mail and increase customer involvement, while improving performance, was outlined and recognized in an open and organized manner. The voice of our industry was in full force and all eyes and ears were on us.

Yes, all the roads led to Charlotte and now the world is at our fingertips with resources to take away and utilize to our advantage with continued efforts to maximize and increase initiatives for the direct marketing industry.

Takeaways were many, but one that sticks out most, was the networking and meeting up with fellow like-minded professionals such as the varied Postal Customer Councils in full force. This sparked my already heightened enthusiasm to create awareness for the cause, get more involved in spreading this word and the mission at hand that print and mail is ALIVE and Kicking.

Stay posted for more to come from the Greater Philadelphia Postal Customer Council and all the PCCs for that matter.


The madness has a light at the end of the tunnel!

Rite On!!

Aleka Agapitides, Account Executive at Rite Envelope and Graphics, with over 20+ years in Direct Mail covering all sides from agency, production and manufacturing is a seasoned professional in Direct Marketing. A “newbie” to the Postal Customer Councils serving on the Board of the Greater Philadelphia Postal Customer Council since December 2022. Aleka is passion driven and considers her life’s mission to educate and help clients understand the best practices to get greater results in the Direct Marketing spectrum. She always makes herself available for the greater good and has a sweet spot especially for the DMAW as a steady supporter and speaker. She can be reached at: or (215) 593-7122.