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Direct Mail Copy for Skimmers, Swimmers and Divers

Direct response copywriting is a combination of art and science. There are thoughtful reasons behind the techniques, phrases and structure of the copy used in different media, as well as the way it’s formatted. It all begins with knowing that people consume information in different ways and that copy will be seen by very different…

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Power up your Peer-to-Peer Web Site

By Dawn Iype Runs, walks, and rides, oh my! All are becoming increasingly popular with charities looking to engage and leverage their existing donor base. Peer-to-peer fundraising is a great way to use your current donors to reach new ones. When your supporters ask their own personal contacts for donations, those prospective donors are much…

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Are You Leaving Money On The Table For Your Sustainer Program?

Telemarketing – It is the channel that sometimes just the thought of proposing can leave you wondering how many objections you’ll have to overcome. The September 17th Lunch and Learn “Leverage Telemarketing to Fuel Sustainer Growth and Revenue” presentation given by Molly Barker, Director of Marketing for Hillary for America and Meg Kross Lee, Vice…

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Three Steps to Optimize your Donation Form for Year End Giving

                  It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it always does. The days get cooler, the leaves begin to change and – WHAMMY – it’s time to plan for year-end, holiday giving. One key element of an organization’s strategy should be to enhance its donation form experience.…

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