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The Definition of Tools – Social Tools

When you type ‘tool’ into Google you will see listings for the ‘Tool’ (band), the Urban Dictionary definition of a ‘tool’ (A cretin. Characterized by low intelligence and/or self-steem.), Wikipedia ‘Tool’ (band) and ‘The Tool Page’ (nearly official site for ‘Tool’ (band)).

The definition of ‘tool’ is a tool that makes our lives easier and more efficient. But before we can reap those benefits we need to find the right tool for the right task.

Will Evernote help you? What about UberConference? Perhaps Spreecast? Maybe RescueTime? Have you played with What about Pinterest? Hootsuite or Tweetdeck? Have you laughed with Picmonkey?

Do you wonder if any of these tools could save you time? Could they help you be organized? Could they be added to your branding strategy? Could you just get a laugh when you need it?

Come listen to me spin my obsession to your benefit! I promise not to disappoint!

Join Kimba Green, Chief Engagement Officer with White Lion Social at the DMAW Social Summit on Thursday, June 28 as she presents “It’s Time for Tools”.