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The Next Rising Star

An emerging leader. A great attitude. Exceptional work ethic and results. Someone you like to be around in and outside of the office. Basically, a fundraising/marketing rockstar. Sound like anyone you know? I am lucky enough to know one or two, but I could really use your help in identifying another one. In fact, they…

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Leaders Are Readers.

I’ve got it from multiple sources…simply reading won’t cut it. You need to vary what you read to keep your mind sharp and your creativity flowing. You might be thinking, “Well, that’s great. But what else should I be reading?” I’ve decided to take a chapter from some of DMAW’s Industry All-Star awardees—literally—and see what…

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Ten Commandments of Copy & Design Part II

You Still Can’t Risk NOT Reading This! (Continuing on with a quick wrap up of DMAW’s Ten Commandments Lunch & Learn featuring Tom Gaffny and Steve Fleshman.) Among the Commandments according to Tom and Steve is NEVER break a multi-page letter with the end of a sentence. Entice the reader to turn the page and…

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Ten Commandments of Copy & Design Part I

You Can’t Risk NOT Reading This! Did you decide to read on? Good. You’re already on your way to improved fundraising results by just knowing these Ten Commandments. (A quick wrap up of DMAW’s Ten Commandments Lunch & Learn featuring Tom Gaffny and Steve Fleshman.) Commandment Number 1 — It’s Not All About YOU! Sorry.…

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The Donor Who Keeps on Giving—How Often to Appeal to Your Monthly Givers

At the recent Bridge Conference, I ran into a colleague who asked me the question that many nonprofits grapple with: How often should you ask your existing sustainers for more money? We know that monthly donors are a good source of revenue, but if you aren’t asking for extra gifts during the year, your ‘single’…

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Google Analytics & Ecommerce – The Peanut Butter & Jelly of Website Donor Strategies

  Do you have the tools to make your digital donor strategies a success but just need some additional expert advice? On September 28th from 12 Noon – 2 PM at SEIU, Washington, DC, we are going to rock your CRM world – with actionable information gained from data analytics. Chief Digital Strategist at the…

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Sneak Peek on What to Expect at Upping Your Digital Program Workshop

Don’t have a digital program? You’re not alone—more than half of nonprofits and charities don’t take advantage of the opportunities that digital marketing brings to the table. For those organizations and those who are looking to improve their digital programs, DMAW is hosting the Upping Your Digital Program Workshop on June 8th. I had a…

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Monthly or Bust: Creating a Sustainer Culture

  On his very first day as membership director, Dane Grams strove to make monthly donors the centerpiece to the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) sustainer strategy. Why? Well, as he convinced the HRC development team—and now the audience at the DMAW Lunch & Learn: Sustainer Recruitment and Engagement event—monthly sustainers give the most money over…

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Oyster Folds, Pixie Dust, and Lenticular Motion, Oh My! at the IFIT Forum

If you were in the audience of the 2017 DMAW Innovative Formats Integrated Techniques (IFIT) Forum on March 7th in lovely Arlington, VA, you know what I mean when I exclaim, “What a buffet of ideas!” The presentations kicked off promptly at 9:00 am with introductory remarks from the ‘time captains’ and brilliant co-chairs Shannon…

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Direct Marketing 101: Mail is Not Dead

You are important. You matter. When push comes to shove, you’re the one that will make a difference. A bit over the top perhaps, but do you feel engaged right now? If so, the piece of advice I’m following from DMAW’s Direct Marketing 101 event has worked—use ‘you’ liberally and make your audience a part…

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